[BlueOnyx:13773] Is there a way of using PHP (for WordPress install) from the Content Preview web page(s)?

Richard L de S Clauson blueonyx at virbius.co.uk
Tue Oct 1 07:10:54 -05 2013

Is there a way of using PHP (for WordPress install) from the Content Preview 
web page(s)?

I've set up a new virtual website, using 5108R, and ticked the "Preview Site 
Configuration" option while creating it.  I then, via FTP, uploaded the 
version of WordPress I wanted to install (a slightly earlier version than 
one used successfully elsewhere on the same web server).

Because the domain hasn't yet been released to us, and because I wanted to 
get up and running the same WordPress installation as the current one, I 
couldn't just go and run the install script via the actual domain, hence 
trying to do it via the Preview pages.

not via http://www.domain.co.uk/wp-admin/install.php 
but via http://www.svr.co.uk/www.domain.co.uk/wp-admin/install.php

This doesn't work, and IE, Firefox, and Chrome all try to download the file, 
which on inspection says at the start "PHP not installed" (or similar).

I can open http://www.svr.co.uk/www.domain.co.uk/readme.html so I know that 
the Preview is looking in the correct place, but that it just won't run any 
PHP files!

Is there any special tricks, any change of settings, such as in the files in 
the /etc/http/conf/vhosts directory, or anywhere else inside the BlueOnyx 
interface, or outside in the Linux file system?  HELP!!


Richard L de S Clauson
Virbius Business, Reading, +44 (0) 844-588-1397 (fax 0870-879-1562)
( mailto:richard at virbius.co.uk      - mobile: +44 (0) 7710 412815    )
( http://www.virbius.co.uk/         - more is hidden than viewable ! )

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