[BlueOnyx:13823] FW: Climbing load problem - maybe related to BFD

Richard Morgan richard at morgan-web.co.uk
Thu Oct 10 06:58:47 -05 2013

Sorry to ask but does anyone know what would be causing the processor load
it increase - it seems to be related to BFD (the pkill bfd command is still
required to prevent the load from going too high).


I've looked through the logs and nothing jumps out at  me... the btmp and
wtmp files in /var/log are both fairly small but I'm really not sure where
to go from here to get it sorted.


All help is greatly appreciated.




From: blueonyx-bounces at mail.blueonyx.it
[mailto:blueonyx-bounces at mail.blueonyx.it] On Behalf Of Richard Morgan
Sent: 08 October 2013 09:47
To: 'BlueOnyx General Mailing List'
Subject: [BlueOnyx:13817] Climbing load problem - maybe related to BFD


Morning (here)


On our server we're seeing the processor load increase slowly from its usual
0.3 to above 10 over the space of about three hours.  I can clear it with
"pkill bfd" which is probably not ideal.  The processor load drops rapidly
and then starts climbing again.  There doesn't appear to be anything in the
logs or messages.


Any ideas for tracing and preventing the problem would be most welcome.


Many thanks indeed.





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