[BlueOnyx:13882] Whitelists?

Jim Matysek matysekj at usms.org
Thu Oct 17 19:47:47 -05 2013

We are (finally) upgrading from 5106 to 5108 this weekend on a new set 
of servers and installing a whole raft of new packages along with this. 
In doing so, I want to whitelist IP addresses from our office and from 
key employee's home IP addresses to prevent any issues (we've had APF 
block our office IP in the past due to someone having a bad mail 
password and having their mail client check every x minutes). Where and 
how do I put in IP addresses to always allow access to services when 
using the Solarspeed/Compass All Packages bundle?

So far I have:

- add an ALL record to /etc/hosts.allow
- add IP address to /etc/apf/allow_hosts.rules

Is there a way to permanently add something to iptables to avoid an IP 
from being blocked there?

What about dfix?

Any other places to add these IP's to?


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