[BlueOnyx:13948] possible GUI malfunction

wcstaff at webcoast.com wcstaff at webcoast.com
Tue Oct 29 15:19:55 -05 2013

I'm not sure if this is an error or not. But I feel I should post it in case
anyone else experiences this problem or it's something that needs to be
I was changing the DNS entries under System Settings - TCP/IP, in the GUI.
When I hit save, it kills total access to the server.
I duplicated it 6 or 7 times to make sure it was causing the error.
Basically what it does is:
When I hit save and it rewrites the files, it removes the default gateway
setting entry for the main IP address. After that nothing resolves.
I run ./network_settings.sh. The IP address and Subnet mask are there, but
the Default Gateway entry is missing. I re-enter the default gateway IP and
The server goes right back to resolving properly.
This is all over my head so I have no idea why it's happening. But I wanted
to share. 

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