[BlueOnyx:15306] Re: Email Aliases

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Tue Apr 29 14:33:30 -05 2014

Hi Richard,

> OK, I understand that. I have set up a new site and tried to add "info" as
> an alias to user "David" and it wouldn't let me. That is the first alias I
> tried to set up on that virtual site. I have successfully set up the alias
> "sales". 

I think "info" is reserved and nobody can have it. Have to check.

> If I want more than one person within the same site to receive
> "sales" emails, is this possible?

In that case do it differently:

Create an account. Give it the "Email Alias" of "sales". Then go to the
"Email" tab on that account and set up "Email Forwarding". Enable the
forwarding and enter the email addresses that it should forward to. That
would be all accounts that need to receive mails to this alias.

If nobody is monitoring this account directly with an email client, then
you might also want to untick the checkbox "Save Copy". Otherwise the
mailbox of this account will eventually reach the maximum quota of that

That should do the trick.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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