[BlueOnyx:15734] Re: New GUI gone gooey! :) - fixed!

Colin Jack colin at mainline.co.uk
Fri Aug 1 03:35:37 -05 2014

Hi Michael,

> I just published updated base-alpine and base-time RPMs to the YUM
> repository. So all you need to do is to run a "yum clean all" and "yum update"
> and it'll be good again.
> This problem has been one of these PHP inconsistencies which can really drive
> people nuts. Because it is utterly stupid and illogical.

> PHP even has built in functions so that you can calculate the sunrise and
> sundown based on your geographical coordinates. What it doesn't have is this:
> It doesn't recognize "UTC" as valid time zone and throws an E_WARNING when
> you use date_default_timezone_set("UTC"). Go figure!
> During your YUM update you got a new "tzdata" RPM out of the OS's YUM
> repository. As usual (and as always) that will reset the system timezone to
> "UTC". And the next time PHP saw that, it yelled "Mama!" and threw a
> tantrum. \o/
> I gave PHP a pacifier and now it's too busy sucking on that to throw a fit if the
> system time zone is set to "UTC". Which is a supported time zone. It's just not
> supported by PHP. They rather like you to use the geographical region such as
> "Europe/London". Which is actually just one alias (of many) for "GMT".

That's just crazy isn't it ... 

Thanks for fixing - really like the new GUI and I don't know if it just my imagination, but seems much 'snappier'?



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