[BlueOnyx:16739] Re: Strange Emails

tom wcstaff at webcoast.com
Sun Dec 21 22:12:28 -05 2014

Michael Stauber <mstauber at ...> writes:

> Hi Tom,
> The other thing: If the mail comes in from a remote destination the
> email must have some sort of headers. Even if it's just the header that
> your mailserver adds. So if there are no headers at all, the mail might
> be of local origin. In that case check with "mailq" to see what your
> mailqueue says. Or delete everything from /var/spool/mqueue/ and
> /var/spool/clientmqueue/ and restart Sendmail afterwards. Which
> will/might result in loss of legitimate emails that haven't yet been
> fully processed.

I just noticed when I try to send email no email passwords work and I get 
this error message in the maillog:
ns sendmail[9178]: sBM36MF4009178: static-xx-xxx-xxx-54.domain.net 
[xx.xxx.xxx.54] did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to MSA

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