[BlueOnyx:14283] Re: TLS certificates

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Mon Jan 20 21:55:39 -05 2014

Hi Ernie,

> I just obtained an SSL certificate from CAcert.org that I want to use for
> encrypting TLS smtp sessions between a couple of servers.
> Can somebody tell me which directory the certifcate needs to go in? 
> I have only dealt with Apache certificates in the past and I don't knwow
> where the TLS certs live.

In the GUI go to "Server Management" / "Security" / "SSL".

Do the "Create Signing Request" as you'd do for a virtual site. But this
is the certificate for the AdmServ, so it uses the server name.

If you create a self signed cert or install a "real" cert, then that
certificate is used both for the GUI and for SMTP.

Once the certificate is installed, you can test it this way:

openssl s_client -connect server.company.com:465

It'll show you if it works or not and you can see which certificate
information an email client would see.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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