[BlueOnyx:14307] Re: Can't get the HTTPD process started

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Fri Jan 24 12:40:44 -05 2014

Hi Marty.

> Have a strange issue with our 5106 that is fully updated.
> This morning at 4:30am CST and then at 7:30am CST we received the following 
> alert from Active Monitor:
> Active Monitor has detected recent changes in the state of your server appliance.
> For more details, please see the Active Monitor section of the Server Desktop.

That logfile doesn't shed any light on this. The correct logfile for the
error messages would be /var/log/httpd/error_log

Try this:

Login by SSH as "admin". Use "su -" to gain root access.

Then issue this command to restart Apache:

/sbin/service httpd restart

If it fails with "cannot bind to :80" (or similar), then it means that
another HTTPd process is still running and didn't terminate properly.

You can check this with this command:

ps axf|grep httpd

If there are httpd processes around, they'll show. You can then use
these three commands to get it fixed:

killall -9 httpd
/sbin/service admserv restart
/sbin/service httpd restart

At the worst, issue an /sbin/reboot to reboot the box and everything
should come back up just fine.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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