[BlueOnyx:15675] Re: BlueOnyx 5207R/5208R Beta release available - 3rd party sw

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Thu Jul 17 15:08:07 -05 2014

Hi Meaulnes,

>    * SolarSpeed's OpenWebmail
>    * SolarSpeed's AV-SPAM
>    * SolarSpeed's PHP
>    * MailMan

Mailman's GUI pages are included in the new GUI, so it will work.

OpenWebmail has no GUI pages, so it will still work, too.

The Solarspeed PHP has no GUI pages of its own and is administered
through the PHP GUI pages that come both with the old and the new GUI.
So that'll work, too.

The AV-SPAM has GUI pages for the old GUI that deal with configuring the
services and configuring the SPAM-Filter settings for individual users.
When you have the AV-SPAM installed and upgrade to the new GUI, the
AV-SPAM will continue to work as before. But you will loose the ability
to administer it via the GUI. That ability to administer it via the GUI
will only come back once the AV-SPAM for 5207R/5208R becomes available
via NewLinQ and you install it from there. Because the new PKG will
include the new GUI pages for that.

There are other examples:

- Automated Backup: Will continue to run the way it was configured. But
the GUI pages for it will be gone after the upgrade. Until the new
version becomes available.

- WebApp Installer: All sites that have Webapps installed will function
as before. But the GUI for installing, removing or managing Webapps will
be gone until the new version of it becomes available.

- AWStats: Will continue to generate statistics. But the link in the GUI
to view the statistics will be gone until a new version of the PKG is

There are a couple of others, too.

In summary: It won't break any third party software that's currently
running and configured. But if that PKG had extra GUI pages for
management and configuration, then these will be inaccessible until new
versions of them become available and can be installed.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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