[BlueOnyx:14931] Re: No ADD button on virtualserver for server administrator \ reseller

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Thu Mar 13 21:34:54 -05 2014

Hi Stefano,

> I've tried creating a brand new server administrator, and the ADD
> button is  present and working.
> So now i have two server administrators ( server_admin1 & server_admin2), if i 
> change the owner of all the virtualsites ( 91 vsites ) from server_admin1 to 
> server_admin2, i have the same exact issue as the previous admin, server_admin2 
> has no ADD button while server_admin1 has it back .

Ok, then I know what it is.

Go to "Server Administrators" and edit the admin in question.

Check the settings for ...

Maximum Disk Quota
Number of Sites
Maximum Users

... and set them to *much* higher values. Because it is most likely that
the sites associated with that administrator exceed whatever you have
allowed him to use.

When you give an administrator 20GB of space and his two sites are
allowed to use up to 10GB each, then the "Add Vsite" button goes away.

It's not important how much space the sites use *at the moment*. The
part that counts is how much space they *are* allowed to use in total.

This is done to prevent over-allocation. Like having 100GB, creating 10
Vsites and allowing each to use 20GB in the hope that not all of them
make use of the full amount of available space.

Same goes for the "Add User" button in the Vsites. When a "server admin"
has been assigned a "Maximum Users" of 100 and gives two sites the
ability to have 50 accounts each, then you can't have more users on
other sites of that server administrator.

The "server administrator" may have rights to create another Vsite. But
he can't create users on it, because he spread his available 100
accounts between the first two sites.

For this whole mechanism I outright borrowed Hisao Shibuya's code from
the somewhat experimental BlueQuartz 5200R code tree.

The last 2-3 days I have been working on the Vsite management of
BlueOnxy 5207R/5208R (the new GUI) and was porting the existing Vsite
management pages with the "reseller" management features. While doing so
I noticed a couple of glitches, inconsistencies and logic problems.

For example: You have Vsites owned by "admin". You then create a "server
administrator", give him the rights and assign several sites to him. By
doing so you might exceed the number of Vsites, Users and/or disk quota
that the server admin might have. If that happens, you start to get
inconsistent problems. Like user "admin" and siteAdmins being able to
create yet more user accounts up to the total allowed for the Vsite,
which contributes to yet more over-allocation.

I'm now in the middle of the process of solving these issues and to roll
up a more solid logic that takes all the eventualities into account.

When I'm done with that, not even "admin" will be able to add accounts
to a "server admin" owned Vsite if the "server admin" has run out of
users. In that case you'll really need to go back and increase the
"Maximum Users" setting of that "server administrator" first. Or you
need to go to another site that has way more "allowed users" than it has
active users and need to reduce that number a little first.

I'll backport these changes to 5106R/5107R/5108R once I'm done. It'll
probably happen over the weekend.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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