[BlueOnyx:14946] Re: New 5108 ISO?

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Wed Mar 19 08:35:41 -05 2014

Hi Dirk,

> do you plan a new ISO for downloading 5108 for SL?
> In the moment I have to install 765 Updates after installing a BO Server with the 20130813 ISO Image.

Yeah, it's a bit unpleasant. Back at the end of February I started
building new ISO's. Didn't get half as far as I wished. Building the
5107R/5108R ISO's isn't that complicated. It's the testing, for which I
don't have time at the moment.

I'm pretty close to finish 5207R/5208R, so I rather spend more time on
wrapping that up than spinning ISO's for the "old stuff".

Let's do it this way: I'll spin up a new SL based 5108R and you guys let
me know if it works for you?

> By the way.
> Would you prefer SL or CentOS?

I kinda prefer SL, as their repositories has a working Revisor and is
less stuck up making sensible changes to supplemental RPMs when
absolutely needed.

As far as day to day server operations is concerned it doesn't matter at
all, as they're almost 100% identical. If /etc/redhat-release wouldn't
tell the difference, you'd have a hard time to tell them apart.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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