[BlueOnyx:14981] Re: /home is at 95%

Bob Wickline wick at bobwickline.com
Sat Mar 22 19:09:18 -05 2014

Did you delete any files?  If a file is still open by a process and you delete it, the space is still consumed until the process closes the file.  In other words, try rebooting....

On March 22, 2014 7:04:17 PM CDT, Jimmy Gross <jimmy at constantino.net> wrote:
>My server is showing /home as 95% full
>Disk Usage (MB) 113373.18
>Total Size (MB) 119555.93
>When i do a du -sh * i get:
>16K     aquota.group
>24K     aquota.user
>120K    cmu
>340M    install
>16K     lost+found
>88G     mysql
>22M     mysql.bak
>4.0K    packages
>12K     sites
>4.9G    solarspeed
>4.0K    tmp
>4.0K    users
>28M     webalizer.log
>I am not seeing any large files/directories.
>Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
>Jimmy Gross
>CGE Hosting
>(254) 445-3102
>Blueonyx mailing list
>Blueonyx at mail.blueonyx.it

Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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