[BlueOnyx:15470] Re: BlueOnyx 5107R on Aventurin{e} 6105R (IMPORTANT!)

Colin Jack colin at mainline.co.uk
Sun May 25 16:13:38 -05 2014

Hi Michael,

Just lost one of my VPS with this one :)

Thanks for the fix.


On 05/02/2014 21:57, "Michael Stauber" <mstauber at blueonyx.it> wrote:

>Hi all,
>Greg and I just had an outage of our BlueOnyx 5107R VPS's on CentOS5
>based Aventurin{e} 6105R's.
>VPS's on the SL-6 based Aventurin{e} 6106R are *not* affected.
>This particular problem will affect other users with 5107R VPS's on the
>older Aventurin{e} 6105R as well.
>So here is the explanation and the fix:
>Aventurin{e} 6105R runs CentOS-5 with an 2.6.18 kernel. BlueOnyx 5107R
>uses a 2.6.32 kernel and the entire architecture is a bit more modern.
>Still: It was possible to run BlueOnyx 5107R VPS's on Aventurin{e}
>6105R. Until RHEL-6.5, CentOS-6.5 and SL-6.5 got released a few days ago.
>When you now reboot a 5107R VPS, it will come up without network
>interfaces and without network connectivity. The commands "ifconfig" or
>"ifconfig -a" will not show what one would expect and a restart of the
>VPS or a restart of the network services inside the VPS's won't solve
>the issue.
>The problem is the new "iproute" RPM that was released with CentOS-6.5
>and/or SL-6.5. It doesn't play well with OpenVZ on the older CentOS-5
>based kernel of the master node.
>Inside the VPS roll back to the last good "iproute" RPM and restart the
>This assumes the VPS has already lost its network connection. If you can
>still connect to it directly, scroll down for the "fast work around":
>1.) Login by SSH to the Aventurin{e} master node as "admin" and become
>"root" by using "su -"
>2.) Use "vzlist -a" to see the list of VPS's.
>3.) Go to the Container's private directory:
>Example:	cd /vz/private/<CTID>/tmp/
>Replace <CTID> with the container ID (VPSID).
>4.) Download the older "iproute" RPM with this command:
>5.) Enter the VPS in question with the command "vzctl enter <CTID>"
>where <CTID> again is the container ID (VPSID).
>6.) Force the install of the RPM:
>rpm -hUv --force /tmp/iproute-2.6.32-23.el6.i686.rpm
>7.) Edit /etc/yum.conf and in the line 'exclude=' add iproute to it.
>Your exclude line should then look like this:
>That will prevent YUM from updating iproute to the "bad" version next
>time around.
>8.) Exit the VPS by pressing CTRL+D
>9.) Restart the VPS: "vzctl restart <CTID>" where <CTID> again is your
>container ID (VPSID).
>Fast work around:
>Only use the "fast work around" if you haven't already lost network
>connectivity on that VPS. Like if it wasn't rebooted since the install
>of the 6.5 updates:
>1.) Enter the VPS as "root" or SSH into it.
>2.) Run this command to install the RPM:
>rpm -hUv --force
>3.) Edit /etc/yum.conf and to the "exclude=" line add "iproute" as
>explained above.
>4.) Done. No restart needed.
>If you run Aventurin{e} 6106R you do NOT need to do anything. You're not
>If your BlueOnyx (dedicated or VPS) doesn't run on Aventurin{e} 6105R
>then you're not affected either.
>With best regards
>Michael Stauber
>Blueonyx mailing list
>Blueonyx at mail.blueonyx.it

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