[BlueOnyx:16387] Re: phpMyAdmin for Server Administrators

Maurice de Laat mdlaat at muisnetwerken.nl
Mon Nov 3 11:26:25 -05 2014

Hi List,

Bumping an oldie:
[BlueOnyx:15346] @

Quoting Michael from that message:
> You do not want to give a "reseller" full access to all MySQL databases.
> At the best he should be able to see/modify JUST the databases of the
> Vsites that he owns. But not those of other clients.
> At this time the only "adminUser" who has full access to phpMyAdmin is
> an "adminUser" with the capability "System-Administrator" (rights equal
> to "admin"). Any other "adminUser" gets prompted for the MySQL username
> and password at this time. In the long term they will get phpMyAdmin
> access to the MySQL databases of the Vsites they own. However, this
> involves creating additional MySQL users for them and granting privileges.
> Maybe I do it the lazy way: They get to see the list of Vsites they own
> and that have MySQL enabled AND have MySQL databases. When they then
> click on the button next to a site, they get logged in to phpMyAdmin
> with the MySQL credentials of the selected Vsite. That would be a whole
> less complex and a lot easier to code.

Now, I really like that "lazy way" solution. Can someone tell me what is 
the status?

Because, it seems to me that when I use the demo of BX, logging in as a 
reseller, I get to see all the databases, not just the once belonging to 
the reseller's vsites.


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