[BlueOnyx:16580] Site removal failure

Gustavo Silva pseudo at zbronx.com
Wed Nov 26 12:32:38 -05 2014

Hey guys and thanks in advance,

So, while removing a website there was a timeout and the website was not
removed from blueonyx, altough the users were in fact removed and also the
folder where the site was hosted.

Im getting this error now while removing the site:

Site removal failed
Task Status
Unable to get the GID for site129. site129 does not appear to exist on the

After doing some digging on the list archives and tried a couple advices im
aware that:

The CODB does not in fact have the GID in question if you do manual
queries. The GID object exists as a file on the CODB files.

Tried the CODB uids recovery process described in other posts, but they
both match so i dont know if thats even related.

I have the site suspended and disabled, its funny that it does responde to
any changes i make and saves them, altough it wont delete.

Its a minor cosmetic issue, because we are able to add/remove anything else
and nothing is broken but If someone has any other pointers that can
provide regarding this subject I would be much appreciated.

Its a production server with about 2 hundred sites and starting from
scratch is going to be a hell of a pain...

Best regards,
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