[BlueOnyx:18147] Making secondary DNS a primary

Tigerwolf tigerwolf at tigerden.com
Sun Aug 9 22:25:08 -05 2015

In our system, we maintain one master DNS server, and all the rest of the 
DNS servers are secondaries that reference it.  The master is an ancient 
custom machine (non-BX) , and all zone files it serves were hand created 
(though BIND compliant). Though some zones have lots of entries, none are 
very esoteric: just the usual A records, NS, MX, TXT, etc.  I want to 
retire it and use a BX box as the master.

All the BX servers are currently secondaries, and they happily get the DNS 
zone information from the old machine and do their thing with the data.

Most of the stuff I've read about BX DNS migration either assumes a CMU 
server source (moving entire sites, which is not needed here), and the 
sausalito dns-import routine says it only supports certain types of 

The question is:  Is there a simple way to convert an existing (and fully 
functioning) secondary zone file to be a primary on a BX box, short of 
manually going through the GUI and completely re-creating the zone entries 
as 'primary'?

=^_^=  Tigerwolf

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