[BlueOnyx:18285] Re: imagick error after update

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Sat Aug 29 15:06:17 -05 2015

Hi Michael,

>> > /home/solarspeed/php/bin/pecl install imagick
> Oops, when I get to this point I get the following error:

I hate to say it, but you're right. My idea wasn't entirely thought
through. We already have a constructor that grabs and installs some PEAR
modules which RoundCube might or might not need.

With PEAR we can do that easily, as these are static PHP classes. No
compiling needed.

PECL on the other hand grabs the sources and compiles. And there we run
off a bit into the unknowns and we can't make the assumption that it'll
work for everyone. Because it is rather likely that it might not.

Some of the problems that you might run into? You already found them:

- /tmp might be mounted w/o ability to have files with exec flag.
- Compiler might be missing
- Autoconf/Automake might be missing or too old
- Various "devel" RPMs that are needed for the compile might be missing
- re2c might be too old.

Lastly: As far as I recall starting with PHP-5.5 I did run into issues
compiling PHP on EL6. I could only get around that by upgrading Autoconf
and/or Automake (probably both) to much newer versions than present on EL6.

There really isn't a good "one size fits all" solution here, short of
rolling up new PKGs.

So I'll roll up new PHP PKGs for 5107R, 5108R, 5207R and 5208R. These
PKGs will then be available to anyone with an ongoing subscription to
PHP updates and support.

But that would leave out those who recently bought PHP w/o subscription
or whose subscription recently expired. We'll solve that by backdating
the release date of those PKGs to the date when the last "good" PHP
versions were released. Might even give some more leeway there and
backdate it further - just out of courtesy.

The interim solution for those that don't actually need ImageMagick
support? You can do this to get rid of the error message:

mv /home/solarspeed/php/etc/php.d/imagick.ini

/sbin/service httpd restart

That will move the config file that loads the imagick.so and with that
it'll disable the currently broken ImageMagick support.

FWIW: The NewLinQ server should be back online by the time I've finished
rolling up the fixed PHP PKGs. So you can expect to be able to grab them
within the next 24 hours.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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