[BlueOnyx:18724] Re: Blueonyx Digest, Vol 84, Issue 6

Neil Watson neil at waterend.net
Sun Dec 6 12:58:58 -05 2015


Hi Michael, 

I had a play with LetsEncrypt beta too and it can be persuaded (albeit
lots of caveats and warnings about python 2.6!) to work on older

./letsencrypt-auto --debug certonly --webroot -w
/home/sites/www.mydomain.net/web/ -d www.mydomain.net -d mydomain.net -t

produced some certificates in /etc/letsencrypt/..... successfully 

As you can guess, I'm not running 5209 so I wonder if you could share a
little bit of your implementation so I can get it working (probably in a
less elegant & automated way!) on 5107... 

Dovecot was fairly easy to persuade to work with the letsencrypt .pem
(PKCS#8) key/certificate... (OK, a single set for all sites, but it
works - separate sets for each site is for another day as it looks like
Dovecot can be configured to do it!) 

However, I can't (at the moment!) figure out how to make something that
Apache likes (in the /home/sites/..../certs directory) - so any clues as
to get openssl/whatever to do it welcome (pretty please!) 

I haven't tried sendmail yet - so any clues of what format of key it
likes also welcome.... 

I know I'm taking advantage - but hopefully its still fresh in your
memory (or the scars haven't faded yet!). Might be some use to others



> Hi all,
>> https://letsencrypt.org/ [1]
> The BlueOnyx 5209R version of base-ssl now supports generation and
> auto-renewal of the free "Let's Encrypt!" SSL certificates through the GUI.

[1] https://letsencrypt.org/
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