[BlueOnyx:18831] Re: BlueOnyx server down

Tom wcstaff at webcoast.com
Thu Dec 17 22:46:05 -05 2015

Hi Chris,

> Being in a severely broken state at the moment, I copied the zonefiles 
> to /var/named and was able to temporarily start the service, which was 
> good enough to get the zones refreshed with our actual nameservers 
> again.  That gets things up and running and buys a little time.
> However, those caches will expire, so the clock is ticking.
After a lot of anxiety, and not knowing what to do, I tried what you did 
above. I copied the zonefiles to /var/named and restarted the service. I 
am also up and running, but can only assume from what you mentioned, it 
will be down again shortly. 

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