[BlueOnyx:17116] mail problems

lewisg lewisg at iglou.com
Tue Feb 24 13:03:04 -05 2015

It started with POP authentication failures for one user, then more, but 
my test user never had a problem.

Since the server had been up for 838 days I figured a restart might 
clear the problem since I had other fish to fry today. After the restart 
all was well except servername.org/webmail would redirect to 
servername.org/:444/webmail/ and return a "File Not Found The requested 
URL was not found on this server." error. Then the POP problems started 

At one point I did modify the /etc/httpd/conf.d/squrrelmail.conf file 
using instructions found here to:

# SqurrelMail Redirect

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^444$
RewriteRule ^(.*)webmail/?$  http://%{HTTP_HOST}:444/webmail [R=301,L]

Any help for the helpless?

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