[BlueOnyx:18078] Mysterious /web ownership change

Chris Gebhardt - VIRTBIZ Internet cobaltfacts at virtbiz.com
Wed Jul 22 17:18:01 -05 2015

I have a strange issue here.  (OK, I know, they're all strange, because 
why would I post the routine?)

We received a call from a customer on a 5208R server yesterday that 
their site was down.   Took a look and it was an suPHP ownership error. 
  Although the contents of his /web directory were owned by the correct 
owner, the directory itself was not.   Nobody has made any changes to 
the site in almost a year, so this was felt to be odd.   Nonetheless, a 
quick change of ownership within Site Management got it fixed.

Now this afternoon, we got a call from a different customer with the 
same problem.   Same issue.

We went randomly spot-checking some other sites and found that there 
were others impacted as well.

I do not know exactly when the issue first occurred, but we were first 
made aware yesterday.

We did not make changes in ownership to these sites.   It appears to 
have just happened on its own, although the dates on the directories 
themselves may be years old.

Is anybody aware of something that might cause this?
I ran /usr/sausalito/sbin/fix_user_UID_and_GID.pl to see if that sets 
everything straight.

It returned lots of output like this:
Setting UID and GID of /home/.sites/xxx/siteyyy/logs to SITEyyy-logs 
(1234) and GID siteyyy (789)

Nothing about an actual web content...

Interesting wrinkle: the impacted sites appear to all be "straight" PHP 
sites.   WordPress sites never seem to be impacted.

Chris Gebhardt
VIRTBIZ Internet Services
Access, Web Hosting, Colocation, Dedicated
www.virtbiz.com | toll-free (866) 4 VIRTBIZ

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