[BlueOnyx:17766] DNS Include file

Alberto Paglino alberto.paglino at studioalfasoft.it
Tue Jun 9 06:22:01 -05 2015

I modified include DNS file for a domain xxxx.com

; /var/named/chroot/var/named/db.xxxx.com.include
; user customizations can be added here.
; _service._proto.name. TTL class SRV priority weight port target.

_sip._tls.xxxx.com. 3600 IN SRV 100 1 443 sipdir.online.lync.com.
_sipfederationtls._tcp.xxxx.com. 3600 IN SRV 100 1 5061 sipfed.online.lync.com.
www2.xxxx.com.	IN A XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

the record A www2 works correctly, but both SRV records are ignored.

What is there wrong?

Best regards, Alberto Paglino

Studio AlfaSoft                Tel.: +39-0384-91873
Corso Piave, 20                Fax.: +39-0384-320299
27036 Mortara (PV)            cell: +39-335-6008109
Installatore Certificato Sonicwall, Alvarion e Motorola wireless.
Sviluppo di gestioni di dati personalizzate con 4th Dimension.
Progettazione Reti Windows - Macintosh - AS400
Installazione Switch - Firewall - Router - VPN
Collegamenti digitali con linee numeriche - ISDN - ADSL - HDSL

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