[BlueOnyx:17913] Re: 5106R cfsadmin load issue

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Sat Jun 27 10:51:36 -05 2015

Hi Gerald,

> caching file system admin ???

That's not a standard component of any BlueOnyx version and it's also
not in the 5106R or CentOS5 yum repositories.

Find out where the binary for that is located:

which cfsadmin

Or use "find" for that if "which" doesn't find it.

Then check which RPM that binary came from:

rpm -q --whatprovides <path-of-binary>

That tells you the name of the RPM that it came from. If any.

If you get an RPM name, you can run "yum info <rpm-name>" on it to see
what info the system has about that RPM.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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