[BlueOnyx:17220] Blacklisting Feature request, idea? thought?

webmaster webmaster at oldcabin.net
Fri Mar 6 00:37:16 -05 2015


When using Blacking I think it would be nice to be able to add/append a 
short custom note/message to the end of the rejection message through 
the GUI

Not "a" message for each blacklist

Just one message for ALL black lists

reject=550 5.7.1 Rejected: xx.x.xxx.xyx listed at blocklistA    *GUI 
controlled note goes here*
reject=550 5.7.1 Rejected: xx.x.xxx.abc listed at blocklistB *same GUI 
controlled note goes here*
reject=550 5.7.1 Rejected: xx.x.xxx.abc listed at blocklistC *same GUI 
controlled note goes here*

The reason for this request is that some of my email clients get into 
list(s)and then get a "Rejected: xx.x.xxx.xxx listed at bla bla bla" 
(mostly false positives from inheriting a previously infected dynamic IPs)

This message is proving to be just not enough information to trigger 
them to contact ME to help them get OUT of the list(s).

They end up calling their ISP and the ISP sends them back to me and by 
the time they get back they are getting frustrated.

On my old 550 I used to, by hand, add a line like:

Your  email has been rejected by one of OldCabin's spam filters *Please 
contact your server admin.

Seeing the "OldCabin" was enough to trigger the call to me and not the ISP

I know I could do it by hand now but don't want to edit sendmail files 
that the GUI would overwrite or would break something.

Anyone else see this as a good thing?


Worth doing?



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