[BlueOnyx:17303] Re: Any ideas why...

webmaster webmaster at oldcabin.net
Fri Mar 13 15:18:56 -05 2015

I have to run out for a bit and will get back to this but wanted to plop 
this out there before I left

No rhyme or reason why one machine is 64 and one 32
Self taught server guy here (with an agriculture degree)

At the time the first BX OS to WORK on that machine got installed.

Looks like once I get my bad memory issue solved I need to learn a bit 
more bout 64 vs 32 and do some planning

Also since I one have two machines most times I am doing things in 
crisis mode and not thinking things out.  Basically get it back up so 
the clients stop calling

Thanks for the replies


> On 3/13/2015 1:10 PM, webmaster wrote:
>> Group,
>> I recently moved a client (and others per all my recent questions) from
>> a 5108R to a 5207R
>> One client does a very large csv import into prestashop.
>> Any ideas what might be slowing this down after the move?
> One thing that comes to mind is you mentioned a switch from 5108R
> (64-bit) to 5207R (32-bit).   Is that right?  Was that done for a
> particular reason?
> MySQL will almost always see performance gains on a 64-bit system as
> compared with 32-bit.  Conversely, it follows that moving from 64 to 32
> will hit you with some performance degradation.
> Assuming that you went 32-bit on purpose, that could only be because you
> installed on 32-bit hardware which, let's face it, is pretty long in the
> tooth these days and unlikely to be setting any performance benchmarks.
> So when you ask about performance issues with regard to MySQL, and you
> mention a downgrade from a 64-bit OS to 32-bit, I am given to wonder
> about some underlying hardware issues as well.

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