[BlueOnyx:17313] Re: new install 5209R

Greg Kuhnert gkuhnert at compassnetworks.com.au
Tue Mar 17 15:56:03 -05 2015

Hi all.

> On 18 Mar 2015, at 5:30 am, Michael Stauber <mstauber at blueonyx.it> wrote:
> Hi RC,
>> vzquota : (warning) inode_hard_limit [104] < inode_current_usage [59647]
> Please give that VPS considerably more diskspace and try again. It
> started without sufficient inodes and now has problems updating its
> config files during CCEd startup.

I have seen something like this before myself. The problem basically was that the inode value in the Aventurine gui was larger than the maximum number supported by OpenVZ… which caused it to “wrap” the value somehow. (Maybe it lost the last X bits in the integer).

If you go to the aventurine gui - and go to advanced - you can edit the maximum number of inodes for that VPS. Ironically, I fixed my problem by DECREASING the value I found there.


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