[BlueOnyx:17352] Re: Create admin account on 5208R

Steven Howes steve-lists at geekinter.net
Mon Mar 23 08:15:07 -05 2015

On 23 Mar 2015, at 12:46, Dirk Estenfeld <dirk.estenfeld at bpanet.de> wrote:
> -          Install from ISO
> -          Log into console with root and blueonyx
> -          A process starts to add ip address, gateway and so on.
> -          After setting up the ip address I open my browser and enter the ip address.
> -          I go through setup procedure and setup a password for admin/root and mysql
> -          Afterwards I can log into the web gui with my password for admin.

Something is broken… The wizard is prompting for a username and password and doesn’t accept admin/blueonyx. It’s doing it for me too. Perhaps something wrong with the latest ISO. I’ve tried running/not running yum updates but that makes no difference.

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