[BlueOnyx:19106] Re: DNS not starting

Tigerwolf tigerwolf at tigerden.com
Fri Feb 5 22:23:04 -05 2016

On Fri, 5 Feb 2016, Gregg K wrote:

> THE FIX, if anyone else needs this.
> Under /var/named/chroot/named
> You create a directory for data

> So now it is /var/named/chroot/named/data

This is where it puts any of the 'extra' logging data that happens when 
you select that from the BX GUI.  From what I can tell in earlier RedHat 
and BX editions it's apparently a legacy location, since ...chroot/var/log 
would likely make more sense.

In the RH 5 distro at least, the install package did NOT create that 
directory.  I found this out after wiping years of patched and hacked 
named stuff and creating a fresh install.  It didn't complain until I 
turned on extra logging.

So it sounds like the BX install should create the dir or put the info 
into one of the existing chroot places least.

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