[BlueOnyx:18954] Re: 5209R UI bugs.

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Mon Jan 11 17:54:41 -05 2016

Hi Mon Chan,

> i download the new *5209R iso and install the server, i discover some
> small bugs. *
> *When i create the vsite with the max quota is 500MB. *
> *1. I can create the user with 1000MB quota.*
> *2. In Usage information > Usage Logs Disk Usage "400B" and Allowd Disk
> Space "500B"*

That seems to be correct. I recently published updated base-disk RPMs
for 5207R, 5208R and 5209R which modified this aspect. In the past the
disk space (and allowance) for "Usage Logs" was shown incorrectly, as
the wrong formula was applied to the raw numbers to convert the blocks
to bytes and megabytes.

It works like this:

Each Vsite has a dedicated user who owns the logfiles of that Vsite. For
"site1" this user is called "SITE1-logs" for example.

That user does not really have a hard quota limit for how much diskspace
he is allowed to use. But for the sake of raising a warning the GUI will
tell you that he has a quota of around 100-500 MB. Regardless of how big
or how small the Vsite is this will top out at 500MB eventually.

Right now you say you have 400B of logs. Which would be 400 bytes. So
there is still plenty of space left for logs for that Vsite.

> *Software Updates > BlueOnyx Shop > setting *
> *1. Query Schedule > change to "Never" and save, will show error*
> Filename: controllers/settings.php
> Message: Illegal string offset 'notificationMode'

I suspect a restart of CCEd will fix this. Please try this: As root and
from SSH run this command:

/usr/sausalito/sbin/cced.init restart

That will restart CCEd (the backend of the GUI) and afterwards that page
should work just fine again.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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