[BlueOnyx:19246] Re: Feature Request - Display site name in delete confirmation
Jim Scott
jscott at infoconex.com
Tue Mar 1 00:19:37 -05 2016
>Please send me a diff or the entire file as email attachment. Code
>inline in an email always looks ugly and looses formatting.
Do you want that sent to the list or a personal email address?
>But where and how does '.siteToRemove' get populated with the FQDN of
>the Vsite? If I recall all that jQuery sees at that point is the group
>name of the Vsite. Such as "site21", which (in the context of a pop-up)
>isn't that helpful.
The page is displaying the text for the FQDN inside the first td which has a
css class of dt_0 which I get the site name from. Assume that since this is
what the page renders it would have any translation already applied.
var siteName = lb.closest('tr')
Then the dialog html that is generic at the bottom of the page I place
the domain at the end of it. I added to the dialog h1 tag a span and
gave it a class of siteToRemove and place the site name inside of it.
The only issue I did not think about is that the text ends with a question
mark which I can see is pulled from your language resources. So might need
to change the text around a bit. I will work up the PHP example and send the
diff to you once I have applied to my box and verified it works. Just let me
know how you want to receive it.
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