[BlueOnyx:20293] Re: NOT renewing SSL certificate for 'AdmServ' as it's still good.

Steffan mailinglist at tikklik.nl
Wed Nov 23 03:16:40 -05 2016

102 DATA expires = "Nov 29 2016 05:47:00 GMT"
102 DATA caCerts = "&LetsEncrypt&"
102 DATA LEcreationDate = "1472626001"
102 DATA importCert = ""
102 DATA country = "US"
102 DATA city = ""
102 DATA autoRenewDays = "90"
102 DATA CLASSVER = "1.0"
102 DATA state = "Other"
102 DATA orgUnit = ""
102 DATA LEemail = "helpdesk at tikklik.nl"
102 DATA createCert = ""
102 DATA wizard = "1"
102 DATA daysValid = "9999"
102 DATA autoRenew = "1"
102 DATA performLErenew = ""
102 DATA orgName = "Let's Encrypt"

/usr/sausalito/sbin/letsencrypt_autorenew.pl -a
# letsencrypt_autorenew.pl: Renew 'Let's Encrypt!' SSL certs #

NOT renewing SSL certificate for 'AdmServ' as it's still good.


I have this at least on 2 servers 
Forgot to say that this are aventurine nodes
If a manually log in the gui and use renew it works.

Chears Steffan

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Blueonyx [mailto:blueonyx-bounces at mail.blueonyx.it] Namens Michael
Verzonden: woensdag 23 november 2016 08:05
Aan: BlueOnyx General Mailing List <blueonyx at mail.blueonyx.it>
Onderwerp: [BlueOnyx:20291] Re: NOT renewing SSL certificate for 'AdmServ'
as it's still good.

Hi Steffan,

> 6108R
> If I look at /usr/sausalito/sbin/letsencrypt_autorenew.pl
> I see:
> ($ok, $System_SSL) = $cce->get($sysoid, 'SSL');
> $renew_time = $System_SSL->{LEcreationDate} +
> * 86400);
> But in cce I didns find the ssl setting
> get 1

You need to do this to see the "SSL" Namespace of the "System" Object:

get 1 . SSL

Then see what "LEcreationDate" and "autoRenewDays" say. "autoRenewDays"
is probably at "60", which is the default.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list
Blueonyx at mail.blueonyx.it

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