[BlueOnyx:20930] OpenSSH and PCI on 5208R

Jim Matysek matysekj at usms.org
Thu Apr 20 09:56:39 -05 2017

We are trying to pass a PCI compliance scan through TrustWave on a 
BlueOnyx 5208R VPS (SL version) running on Aventurin{e}. They are 
complaining about the version of OpenSSH on the box. Of the 9 complaints 
they have, I believe I've found documentation proving that the 
openssh-5.3p1-122.el6 version that we run is sufficiently patched to fix 
those issues or that those issues don't apply to our version -- all 
except for one issue.

Has anyone gone through this or know enough about it to give me a hint 
on CVE-2016-10012? 
https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2016-10012)? From poking around, it 
sounds like Red Hat is saying that they don't have plans to fix this one 
because they see it as a lower priority item because your server would 
first have to be compromised through some other method before an 
attacker even being able to get to the point of exploiting this 
vulnerability. I don't think that explanation will fly with Trustwave, 
so we would not get a passing status. Does anyone know more about this 
issue and a way to get through a scan or a successful way to challenge 
this finding?

Going out on a limb, is there a remote chance of getting openssh 7.4 on 
this server that is still running 5208R, or would the only way to get to 
that version be doing a full update to 5209R? I'm trying to avoid that.


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