[BlueOnyx:20666] Re: Strange fcoemon error

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Thu Feb 16 18:33:32 -05 2017

Hi Lewis,

>> Feb 16 17:47:24 bq180 sendmail[18544]: warning: /etc/hosts.allow, line
>> 11: missing ":" separator
> There is a entry in that file made via the GUI of xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/32. In
>   hosts.allow it appears on line 11 as xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.

The *only* BlueOnyx component that makes additions to /etc/hosts.allow
*and* /etc/hosts.deny is the APF Firewall. If told to only allow SSH
from certain countries, it will make these two additions:

sshd: ALL: spawn /usr/local/bin/sshfilter.sh %a

sshd: ALL

Then there is Dfix and Dfix2. If the APF is *not* present and Dfix2 is
installed, it will add bans to /etc/hosts.deny.

In any case: You should take a look at the faulty entry in line 11 of
/etc/hosts.allow and should either fix it, or remove it to get rid of
the error message.

> Yikes! Over 200 Cron <root at xxxx> /usr/local/sbin/dfix.sh messges today!

Yeah, that'll cause problems and could be related.

> So I guess that may have some bearing. What do you think? Is Dovecot
> running out of processes?

Sometimes Dovecot gets overloaded and some of its related processes
might stop responding. In that case POP3/IMAP takes a dive and anything
that tries to connect to those two services of course fails.

If that happens: Stop Dovecot. Check the process list and see if there
are processes from Dovecot that are still active. Kill them off and then
restart Dovecot.

After such a clean restart it should be good for a long while.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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