[BlueOnyx:21179] Re: php 7.0 user
ernie at info.eis.net.au
Mon Jul 17 00:00:40 -05 2017
A bit more info.
It works fine using php-pfm I can see the process run as the siteAdmin user
it's just suPHP that seems to only run as the apache user.
It's a Wordpress site so I really need suPHP for the .htaccess
- Ernie.
> Hi Ernie,
> > I bought the Solarspeed php package last week, installed it on a
> > fresh 5209R system, and moved a vsite over to it selecting php 7.0
> > and suPHP.
> >
> > Something isn't working properly, the apache process is still
> > running as the apache user not the user set in web ownership.
> >
> > Is there something extra that needs to be done?
> Please make sure that the ownership of /web and the files within is
> truly set to the intended siteAdmin. Sometimes the chown that the GUI
> does upon setting the "Web Owner" will not go all the way through if
> that would make the siteAdmin go over his allotted quota.
> You could try to manually chown the web folder from the shell and see if
> that goes through. Or change the "Web Owner" to "apache", save and then
> put it back to the intended siteAdmin and save again.
> Other than that: If this is a 5209R you could also use PHP-FPM, which
> also runs PHP as the desired siteAdmin and has a better performance than
> suPHP. However: PHP-FPM will ignore any .htaccess that you might have
> for your Vsite. Lastly there is "DSO + mod_ruid2". It is the fastest
> secure PHP implementation that runs as siteAdmin, but only for the PHP
> version that the whole Apache runs on. In order to use it with PHP 7.0
> you would need to make PHP 7.0 the default PHP (instead of 5.4.16).
> --
> With best regards
> Michael Stauber
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