[BlueOnyx:20754] Re: Solarspeed PHP
Michael Stauber
mstauber at blueonyx.it
Wed Mar 1 15:33:10 -05 2017
Hi Gregg,
> Will this also work for a 5208R?
Only 5209R supports the install and usage of multiple PHP PKGs at this
time. There are no current plans to backport this to 5207R/5208R, as it
would be hellishly difficult to make it compatible with the current PHP
implementation and previous PGP PKG installs.
> I already have a SolarSpeed PHP from a while back, I believe it's 5.5.20
> but I don't have options to choose which version.
Generally: When you purchase PHP for BlueOnyx, this makes you eligible
for the latest PHP that was published until the date that your support
for that purchase runs out.
Say you buy now with one year of updates. So you get access to:
All PHP PKGs for 5106R that are published now and for the next year.
All PHP PKGs for 5107R that are published now and for the next year.
All PHP PKGs for 5108R that are published now and for the next year.
All PHP PKGs for 5207R that are published now and for the next year.
All PHP PKGs for 5208R that are published now and for the next year.
All PHP PKGs for 5209R that are published now and for the next year.
You link the purchase to one server. If that server is a 5207R or 5208R,
you get a list of PHP PKGs that are available for install on that
platform. You can then install just one of them.
If you pick the latest PHP-5.6 now? No biggy. If you ever want to switch
to another version such as PHP-7.0 or PHP-7.1? Just uninstall the one
PHP PKG you have installed and all available PHP PKGs get shown as ready
for install again.
On a 5209R the list of available PKGs will always show all PHP PKGs. And
you can install more than one at the same time.
Say you purchase PHP now and use it on 5208R. If you ever switch to
5209R, then just uninstall and unlink on 5208R and link the purchase to
your new 5209R. Then you will have all PHP PKGs listed as ready to
install that are available for 5209R.
> when I go to Software Updates in BlueOnyx Admin I get the following
> I just noticed it today.
Yes, this was just mentioned on the list. I published updates which will
fix this:
yum clean all
yum update
With best regards
Michael Stauber
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