[BlueOnyx:20755] Re: BlueOnyx 520XR: Large update *released*

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Wed Mar 1 15:39:51 -05 2017

Hi all,

Mentioned a bit further below on the list: The GUI page under "Software
Updates" / "BlueOnyx Shop" was throwing errors. These problems are
related to the server move we're just going through. That GUI page makes
several NewLinQ queries to present the list of categories and products
that the shop has available and then builds the GUI page accordingly.

One of these queries is not answered in the expected fashion. At least
sometimes it fails with some consistency.

So I modified the GUI page to no longer throw errors if the result is
unexpected. Problem: The code in SVN for base-swupdate is already
containing the updates from the latest "need for speed"-initiative that
speeds up the GUI.

Initially it was planned to release these 400 updates related to that in
a few days.

But: To shake this NewLinQ issue loose I just published *all* pending
updates for 5207R, 5208R and 5209R to the production repositories.

They are tested and should cause no unexpected issues. Not a single yum
update from the testing-repository failed so far. But all in all I would
have preferred to wait a few days longer with this release.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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