[BlueOnyx:21975] Re: Drupal - ditch it!

Meaulnes Legler @ MailList bluelist at waveweb.ch
Tue Apr 24 05:31:16 -05 2018

okaaay, I fortunately haven't installed it... :-p

Talking about CMS, I installed *Joomla* from the BlueOnyx Shop (Software Updates > Third Party Software > loupe), but afterwards, I don't know how to proceed...

I found a bunch of Joomla files in /home/webapps/joomla, but those aren't accessible from the web of virtual sites. And MySQL has to be configured, too.

Where can I get instructions?

Thank you and best regards

`-´ 	 Meaulnes Legler
  Zurich, Switzerland
+41\0 44 260 16 60

On 24.04.18 00:09, Michael Stauber wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'll probably be preaching to the choir on this list, but I'll say it
> anyway:
> If you're running Drupal on any Vsite on your server then you should
> consider to suspend or delete that Vsite right now.
> If it's a paying customer ask him to get his own server. Preferably
> elsewhere.
> How complicated is it to turn a Drupal 7 instance into a crypto miner
> that uses 90% of the servers CPU power?
> A *single* POST request via the web.
> Please let that sink in.
> And yes, by now there are botnets spreading the infection like wildfire.
> Still think it's a good idea to run something on your server that has
> such a terrible track record as Drupal has? They will *NEVER* get
> security right. Not in a million years. Forget it.
> The vulnerability I'm talking about is this one:
> https://www.drupal.org/sa-core-2018-002
> https://thehackernews.com/2018/04/drupal-cryptocurrency-hacking.html
> https://www.tenable.com/blog/critical-drupal-core-vulnerability-what-you-need-to-know
> But it's just *one* in a long list of similar happenstances. So,
> seriously: Ditch it. Burn it with fire and nuke it from orbit.
> What about the latest version of Drupal? Forget that as well. Because
> your user won't update their Drupal installs and neither will you.
> Because if it's a pain in the gluteus maximus to update, nobody will.
> And sadly: That says as much about Drupal as their long and shitty
> security track record, which go hand in hand there.
> /rant mode off. ;-)
> And yes: I just had to cleanup a BlueOnyx that was hacked that way.
> Writing the forensic report on it took longer than the actual cleanup,
> though. \o/

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