[BlueOnyx:22364] Re: PCI - lighttpd

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Thu Aug 30 12:10:04 -05 2018

Hi Tim,

> Here is the report from doing
> netstat -tupan|grep LISTEN
> Nothing for port 42443
> Correct?


> Could nginx be effecting their PCI scans?

No. When you acticate Nginx, Apache releases port 443 and Nginx binds to
port 443. Port 42443 isn't involved in that.

I wonder how they came to the conclusion that lighttpd was running on
port 42443. Did they have access to the server for the check? If not,
then all they could do was a portscan, which is not really conclusive
without further analysis of what was going on at that port.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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