[BlueOnyx:22547] Re: since some days warning in server status without detail warnings

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Fri Dec 14 10:05:10 -05 2018

Hi Dirk,

> since some days the system status icon for some servers is red. However if I
> open the detail page everything is blue. No warnings.
> Also a recheck bring noch changes, The status icon is still red and in
> detail view there are no warnings.
> What can I do to check why system status icon in red?

Here is an easy way how you can debug this:

Open a SSH session to your server as root.

Then run /usr/sbin/swatch to execute the monitoring of all enabled
Active Monitor components.

Then check the logfile /var/log/messages to see the reports for the
individual components and the summary:

tail -900 /var/log/messages|grep SET|grep State

That should report something like this:

SET  15 . fail2ban lastChange = 1544799092 currentState = G
currentMessage = "[[solarspeed-fail2ban.amfail2banGreen]]"
SET  15 . Vsite lastChange = 1544799092 currentState = G currentMessage
= "[[base-vsite.amStatusOK]]"
SET  15 . mysql lastChange = 1544799092 currentState = G currentMessage
= "[[base-mysql.amStatusOK]]"
SET  15 . MAILMAN lastChange = 1544799092 currentState = G
currentMessage = "[[base-mailman.amMAILMANStatusOK]]"
SET  15 . PHPFPMMASTER lastChange = 1544799092 currentState = G
currentMessage = "[[base-apache.amPHPFPMMASTERStatusOK]]"
SET  15 . FPMPHP56 lastChange = 1544799093 currentState = G
currentMessage = "[[base-apache.amPHPFPM56StatusOK]]"
SET  15 . PHPFPM lastChange = 1544799093 currentState = G currentMessage
= "[[base-apache.amPHPFPMStatusOK]]"
SET  15 . SSH lastChange = 1544799093 currentState = G currentMessage =
SET  15 . base lastChange = 1544799093 currentState = G currentMessage =
SET  15 . Nginx lastChange = 1544799094 currentState = G currentMessage
= "[[base-nginx.amStatusOK]]"
SET  15 . Apache lastChange = 1544799094 currentState = G currentMessage
= "[[base-apache.amStatusOK]]"
SET  15 . Disk lastChange = 1544799094 currentState = G currentMessage =
SET  15 . CPU lastChange = 1544799094 currentState = G currentMessage =
SET  15 . MilterGreylist lastChange = 1544799095 currentState = G
currentMessage = "[[solarspeed-av_spam.amMilterGreylistStatusOK]]"
SET  15 . CLAMAV lastChange = 1544799095 currentState = G currentMessage
= "[[solarspeed-av_spam.amCLAMAVStatusOK]]"
SET  15 . SpamAssassin lastChange = 1544799095 currentState = G
currentMessage = "[[solarspeed-av_spam.amSpamAssassinStatusOK]]"
SET  15 . AVSPAM lastChange = 1544799095 currentState = G currentMessage
= "[[solarspeed-av_spam.amEmailGreen]]"
SET  15 . FTP lastChange = 1544799095 currentState = G currentMessage =
SET  15 . Memory lastChange = 1544799095 currentState = G currentMessage
= "[[base-am.amMemWarning_light]]"
SET  15 . SMTP lastChange = 1544799095 currentState = G currentMessage =
SET  15 . IMAP lastChange = 1544799095 currentState = G currentMessage =
SET  15 . SMTPAuth lastChange = 1544799095 currentState = G
currentMessage = "[[base-email.amSMTPAuthStatusOK]]"
SET  15 . Email lastChange = 1544799095 currentState = G currentMessage
= "[[base-email.amEmailGreen]]"
SET  15 . Docker lastChange = 1544799096 currentState = G currentMessage
= "[[base-docker.amStatusOK]]"
SET  15 . apf lastChange = 1544799097 currentState = G currentMessage =
SET  15 . Admserv lastChange = 1544799097 currentState = G
currentMessage = "[[base-apache.amAdmservStatusOK]]"
SET  15 globalState = G

Let us just look at the last two here:

The component "Admserv" reported it's currentState as "G", which means

Possible states:

G = Green
Y = Yellow
R = Red
N = Not monitored

If you look through the report above, you can see that everything that's
being monitored reported "G", so it's all OK.

Finally, the last step is this:

SET  15 globalState = G

That sets the "global" Active Monitor flag to "G" (green). That way the
GUI has an easy way to check if all services were OK or not. Had one of
the individually monitored components reported "Y", the globalState
would be "Y". If at least one monitored service had reported "R", then
regardless of what the other components had said the globalState flag
would be "R".

So in your case please find out which component is reporting
"currentState = R" and that might tell you more.

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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