[BlueOnyx:21634] Re: Support for AV-SPam, Admin Cannot enable - Enforce Mail Limits (this item does not appear at vsites)

Rodrigo Ordoñez Licona rordonez at xnet.com.mx
Thu Jan 4 17:32:49 -05 2018

Thank you Michael,
We did use oldpassword,

Reaplying the password found at  /etc/mail/spamassassin/sql.cf

Did the trick

Thank you

Rodrigo O

-----Original Message-----
From: Blueonyx [mailto:blueonyx-bounces at mail.blueonyx.it] On Behalf Of
Michael Stauber
Sent: miércoles, 3 de enero de 2018 03:59 p. m.
To: blueonyx at mail.blueonyx.it
Subject: [BlueOnyx:21630] Re: Support for AV-SPam, Admin Cannot enable -
Enforce Mail Limits (this item does not appear at vsites)

Hola Rodrigo,

> I need help with an installation of an av-span version 	6.3.2-1,
> Server is a 5208 virtual
> It looks like the avspam6 database is not being created/used I found 
> this on the logs.
> milter-geoip: MySQL connection failed. Disabling MySQL. -
> DBI:mysql:avspam6:

Yeah, this looks like the MySQL-Connection is not working and you need that
for the AV-SPAM to function.

Please do this:

Under "Server Management" / "Network Services" / "MySQL" (or "MariaDB")
check if "MySQL Status:" (or: "MariaDB Status:") says: "connection possible
with this settings".

This is important. It tells you if the GUI can "talk" to MySQL/MariaDB.
If that is not the case, certain functionality will not work - including the

If it says anything else but "connection possible with this settings", then
the first step would be to troubleshoot this. Is the MySQL-Root password
entered correctly on that page? Enter it and save. If you don't see the form
to enter the "root" password on the "Server" tab, try to change the password
in the "Change Password" tab by entering the password that you know as
current password and then set a new password there and save the changes.

That might fix it and the page then shows "connection possible with this

If that doesn't fix it, then please file a support request via the GUI under
"Software Updates" / "Support" / "Support Request" and make sure to tick the
checkbox for "Allow access".

Because at that point I'd rather take a look as the causes for the problem
could be pretty diverse such as PHP version and MySQL version mismatch,
/etc/my.cnf having "old_passwords" enabled at one point in time or other
MySQL privilege related issues.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list
Blueonyx at mail.blueonyx.it

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