[BlueOnyx:22248] Applying your own SSL cert

Lee Redmayne lee.redmayne at bastionit.com
Fri Jul 13 10:36:16 -05 2018

I've got a wildcard cert that I'm wanting to apply to one vsite.  I have it exported from a PFX from IIS into the cert in a crt file and a separate RSA private key, however importing the crt results in the UI message:

The imported certificate does not contain the private key for this certificate, and the private key currently on the server does not match this certificate. If importing a certificate not created on this server, the RSA private key must be included in the imported certificate file.

I can see people have had the issue in the past, but there doesn't seem to be any form of resolution on the matter.  The PEM export (which contains both the cert and key) from the PFX won't import either - even renamed as a crt file.

Does anyone have a solution?

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