[BlueOnyx:23541] Re: GUI Login issue for user admin (5209R)

Fungal Style wayin at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 20 21:17:20 -05 2019

@ would be a problem afaik and is not allowed in the password settings of the gui


On 20/12/19, 9:07 pm, "Blueonyx on behalf of Rickard Osser" <blueonyx-bounces at mail.blueonyx.it on behalf of rickard.osser at bluapp.com> wrote:

    Hi Michael,
    The only blocked characters I can think of that I know is regularly
    used in passwords are 'and' (&) and 'at' (@).
    If I have to choose one I'd choose @...
    Rickard 😀️
    On Thu, 2019-12-19 at 13:28 -0500, Michael Stauber wrote:
    > Hi Tobias,
    > > But I am quite sure you know what comes next: This seems to be a
    > > known 
    > > problem. So why is it still there? I am afraid we can expect this
    > > to
    > > happen again and again in the future. And I don't expect sympathy
    > > for
    > > this behaviour from my customers..
    > > 
    > > It's a bug, isn't it?
    > It's a longer story and essentially it's a fix for several bugs and
    > potential exploits.
    > What we do have now is consistent behavior, though: You try to create
    > a
    > user via the GUI with a password that has illegal or unsupported
    > characters? Or you or a siteAdmin or user tries to change his
    > password
    > via the GUI to one that contains illegal characters?
    > The GUI won't let you do that and will tell you that your password
    > contains illegal characters.
    > So in essence and as far as *that* goes: There is neither a bug nor a
    > problem.
    > The issue arises if users get their password changed by other means
    > than
    > the GUI, because there we cannot check for unsupported characters or
    > those that are really unwise to be used in first place.
    > I agree that some of the error handling could perhaps be improved,
    > but
    > there is also a good security reason why NOT to do that. I don't want
    > the login form snitch out on us to a potential attacker what the
    > exact
    > subset of allowed characters might be.
    > The code change that introduced the current password behavior is from
    > four years ago and it's this one:
    > https://devel.blueonyx.it/trac/changeset/2504
    > That updated the regular expression that's being used on password
    > validity checks when the password is entered via the GUI.
    > The other issue is the overhaul of the Login page. That was done in
    > March 2018 to cope with a potential XSS vulnerability:
    > https://devel.blueonyx.it/trac/changeset/3035
    > Let's get technical:
    > ======================
    > In essence both issues go hand in hand: Whenever we allow a user to
    > enter data himself (instead of ticking a checkbox or selecting from a
    > pull-down-menu or moving a slider, etc.) we're in danger. We need to
    > make *really* sure that the entered data is sane, safe and that there
    > will be no unforeseen consequences when our code processes that data.
    > Think of a MySQL quere where a malicious user could trick your MySQL
    > routine into doing a "DROP ALL;", because you used the info the user
    > entered as part of your SQL query. And the user entered something
    > that
    > closed your SQL statement and expanded it at the end with a "DROP
    > ALL;"
    > and a proper terminator that he supplied via your input form.
    > In BlueOnyx that won't happen for several reasons and the above
    > measures
    > are bricks in that wall of defense.
    > We parse all input and check it. Any input form field and any CODB
    > database field has a "type" and that "type" specifies what regular
    > expression is used to check the data for sanity. If entered data
    > doesn't
    > match that regular expression, then the GUI won't allow you to save.
    > Even *if* you somehow get past that: CODB won't let the GUI (or the
    > CLI)
    > store data that doesn't match the regular expression that was
    > specified
    > in the "type" field in the database backend.
    > Take usernames. We only accept usernames that are of type
    > "alphanum_plus", which is specified this way:
    > <!-- alphanum_plus is alphanumeric data plus a "safe" subset of
    > punctuation -->
    > <typedef
    > 	name="alphanum_plus"
    > 	type="re"
    > 	data="^[A-Za-z0-9\\._-]+$"
    > />
    > The reason not to allow - say - umlauts in usernames? Or Kanji
    > characters? Or Chinese letters or Cyrillic? Because the OS won't
    > allow
    > it. There is nothing wrong with that and no reason to dispute that,
    > right?
    > So what's wrong with *NOT* allowing *any* character under the sun for
    > passwords? In essence it's the same story: The UTF-8 character set
    > covers such a wide range of characters from different alphabets that
    > it
    > cannot be guaranteed that all stages of processing will transposition
    > these characters unchanged.
    > For example:
    > https://www.rapidtables.com/code/text/ascii-table.html
    > The first 32 characters in ASCII code table are "control characters"
    > that go back to the days of terminal devices and printers. They're
    > used
    > for sending line feeds, form feeds and carriage returns and such.
    > That's
    > not password material. But a malicious user could find ways to enter
    > them as parts of a password.
    > Characters 33-47, 58-64, 91-96 and 123-127? Depending on how and what
    > you process them with you need to escape some of them or make them
    > safe
    > for processing.
    > Then in the Extended ASCII table you have all the weird offspring
    > with
    > umlauts, accents, acutes and symbols. But that's not even all of it,
    > because this is *only* the ASCII table and UTF-8 supports the whole
    > shebang with a lot more that:
    > https://www.rapidtables.com/code/text/unicode-characters.html
    > If you wanted to, you could have the © (copyright symbol) in your
    > password. In Unicode that's U+00A9, in numeric HTML it's © 	
    >  or in
    > named HTML code it's ©
    > You could hammer it in with the Alt+Gr and Numpad keys in some
    > clients
    > when prompted for the password, but even then there is a good
    > guarantee
    > that not all clients (or daemons!) would allow it or would interpret
    > that correctly. So you quickly get into territory where the password
    > behavior would be inconsistent.
    > The thing is that I needed to draw a line in the sand somewhere and
    > say:
    > "Until here and no further. These and those characters are fine for
    > passwords, but all others are not."
    > We can argue about allowing several special characters that are
    > currently not supported, but I cannot (totally impossible!) allow the
    > whole UTF-8 subset of characters when even more than half of the
    > ASCII
    > table is already highly problematic.
    > So please take a look at 
    > https://devel.blueonyx.it/trac/changeset/2504
    > again and let me know which additional characters would be nice to
    > have
    > in passwords and I'll put that on the to-do-list.
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    Blueonyx at mail.blueonyx.it

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