[BlueOnyx:22719] Re: 5209R email rejection

Michael Stauber mstauber at blueonyx.it
Mon Feb 25 11:16:22 -05 2019

Hi Lewis,

> Is there a way to see information on rejected emails on a 5209R box
> running AV-SPAM?
> I think there used to be a in a earlier version but I can't remember.

Under "Server Management" / "Usage Information" / "Email" you'll find
the email statistics.

Also on a Vsite level you also have "Usage Information" / "Email"
statistics for the individual Vsites.

This will just provide a general breakdown, but won't tell you results
of individual email transactions.

> Some users say some regularly scheduled (every 15 minutes) emails are
> not arriving. The vendor sending the emails says all is good on their
> end. (of course I have my doubts and think this isn't what email is
> designed to do)
> I suppose I could sit there and watch maillog but I'd hope there was a
> easier to consult compilation.

The logs would still be the best bet in this particular case. If you
know what to look for you could just grep the maillog for emails from a
particular domain.


cat /var/log/maillog|grep sender-domain.com

With best regards

Michael Stauber

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