[BlueOnyx:22599] Letsencrypt auto-renew failures in 5209R

Brent Epp brent at pdc.ca
Mon Jan 21 10:03:12 -05 2019


We've been seeing consistent SSL auto-renew failures with some of our 
vsites on 5209R.  There are no entries for the sites with expired certs 
in the letsencrypt log or any of the archived logs, so it appears that 
the attempt is not even being made for these sites.  When renewed by 
hand in the BX GUI, the sites renew without error.

It's worth noting that we've purchased the PHP upgrade package and run 
5.6.36.  I also see a line in the SSL auto-renew script that suggests it 
may rely on a certain version of PHP for determining the renewal date.  
Could there be bug or conflict here?

  - Brent

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