[BlueOnyx:23049] Re: "Easy Migrate" released \o/

Tobias Gablunsky t.gablunsky at cbxnet.de
Wed Jul 31 04:25:28 -05 2019

Hi Michael,

thanks for developing this tool. It can come very handy. And for me it came to a perfect time.

Unfortunately it does not migrate any websites in my case and just as bad: it does not throw any errors.

This is what happens when I start a migration (anonymised output):

[root at host3 ~]# /usr/sausalito/sbin/easy-migrate.pl  --source host2 -p 122 --ip <NEW_IP> --vsites <SOURCE_SITE> --nodns
| Easy Migrate Helper: Easily Migrate between BlueOnyx Servers |

# Checking connection to Source Platform: host2

[SSH_OK] SSH connection successfully established.

[SOURCE_OK]: Source System (host2.cbxnet.de) is a BlueOnyx 5208R and is supported by Easy Migrate.

[MIGRATION_START] Starting Migration of Vsite <SOURCE_SITE>

usage:     easy-migrate.pl [OPTIONS]

Example: ./easy-migrate.pl --source -p 22 --ip --vsites all

       --source     Hostname or IP of BlueOnyx to migrate from.
       --port       Port that SSH runs on at the source server.
       --check      Test if source platform is suitable as migration source.
       --list       Human readable list of Vsites present on source server.
       --ip         IPv4 IP Address that newly imported Vsites should get on import.
       --ipv6       IPv6 IP Address that newly imported Vsites should get on import.
       --vsites     Vsites to import. If omitted: All. To import a single Vsite
                    specify --vsites 'www.domain.com'. To import multiple Vsites
                    specify --vsites 'www.domain1.com,www.domain2.com'
       --config     Configures services and system settings of this server the same
                    way as they are on the source server (Email, DNS, Apache, PHP,
                    Nginx, Vsite- and User-defaults, SNMPd, Sitestats and Support).
                    It will NOT touch the SSH or AdmServ settings for security reasons.
       --nodns      If Vsites are imported, it will not import their DNS records.
       --dnsonly    Only copies all DNS records, but nothing else.
       --mysql      Only copies all MySQL databases and users, but nothing else.
       --version    Show Version of this script.
       -h|--help    This help text

I used the "--nodns" switch as we don't use dns on BlueOnyx and tried to avoid possible problems regarding this (there is no difference if I omit the switch).

I also tried to activate syslogging via changing the DEBUG flag in the script to "1" - without changes.

I also started the script with "--vsites all" without effect.

The working switches are: "--config", "--list", "--check", "--mysql". The used target ip address is the only address of the target system (ltr3).

The system I am starting the easy-migrate on is a brand new 5209R server fully yum'ed up.

I even started all available options of the helper script "/usr/sausalito/bin/em-helper.pl" on the source machine - all finished successfully.

I can see that on the source machine there are all databases getting exported (seems to be unnecessary when just migrating a single site). (Directly?) after this the script ends.

I don't know how to get any further now.

When it will be working it will be a really nice piece of software, I am sure!

Thanks for helping out,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Blueonyx [mailto:blueonyx-bounces at mail.blueonyx.it] On Behalf Of
> Colin Jack
> Sent: Saturday, July 27, 2019 10:41 AM
> To: BlueOnyx General Mailing List <blueonyx at mail.blueonyx.it>
> Subject: [BlueOnyx:23032] Re: "Easy Migrate" released \o/
> Hi Michael (and team),
>     Hi all,
>     Have you recently cursed at CMU? When it botched up another migration?
>     You still can! But only if you want to.
>     But there is a new kid in town and it's name is "Easy Migrate". I'd
> like
>     you to get to know him, because once you do, you wish you had known
> him
>     sooner. (Sorry, my fault! Should have coded it sooner.)
>     If you want to jump right at it, the documentation for "Easy Migrate"
>     can be found on our newly overhauled BlueOnyx.it website at this URL:
>     https://www.blueonyx.it/easy-migrate
>     That explains how "Easy Migrate" works.
>     Easy Migrate is available for BlueOnyx 5209R and the latest YUM update
>     should have brought it aboard automatically. You can find the command
>     under /usr/sausalito/sbin/easy-migrate.pl
>     Just run it with the "-h" parameter to see the available options.
>     Easy Migrate works in a "pull" fashion. So you run it on the 5209R
> that
>     you want to migrate to. It connects to the source server via SSH (SSH
>     key exchange for user "root" is needed) and copies a helper script to
>     the source server. That helper script gathers all the relevant
>     information and reports it back.
>     Easy Migrate can migrate the following:
>     - Server configuration
>     - MySQL
>     - DNS
>     - All Vsites and their Users
>     - Reseller accounts
>     - Configuration of installed WebApps and their data
>     - Configuration of PKGs from the shop
>     - Retains Vsite group names if they're free on target server.
>     It runs CCE CREATE transaction to create all the CODB objects and also
>     compares keys of CODB Objects and NameSpaces to make sure that he
>     transactions don't try to set deprecated or absent keys.
>     If the target server already has the Vsite that you're trying to
> migrate
>     (from a previous CMU or Easy Migrate run), then it will use SET
>     transactions to synchronize the settings between source and target
> server.
>     For the transfer of files and folders Easy Migrate uses RSYNC over SSH
>     and will make any necessary path adjustments on its own. During the
>     RSYNC it will also directly adjust the UID/GID of files and folders to
>     the required ones.
>     MySQL databases and MySQL users that belong to a Vsite that's being
>     migrated are also imported - as well as DNS records associated to a
>     Vsite. This also includes secondary DNS and modifications in DNS
> include
>     files. Optionally you can also import all MySQL and DNS data
> separately
>     via Easy Migrate.
>     Users that are migrated will also retain all their settings, files,
>     emails and (if they have any) their user owned cronjobs.
>     Easy Migrate can therefore be used to migrate individual Vsites and
>     their Users, or all Vsites. But it can also be used to duplicate or
>     clone Vsites or whole servers. As the file transfers are done via
>     actual synchronizations of Vsites and Users that were recently
> migrated
>     already is much faster than a new migration.
>     Easy Migrate can import from 5207R and 5208R to 5209R or 5210R. It can
>     also do 5209R -> 5209R or 5210R -> 5210R or 5210R -> 5209R migrations.
>     That way it supports all currently supported BlueOnyx versions as well
>     as the upcoming 5210R.
>     Imports from not yet updated 5107R/5108R are also possible, but for
> best
>     results you should YUM update them first to turn them into
> 5207R/5208R.
>     Does it actually work well? I suggest you try for yourself and report
>     back and issues you find. I did a lot of testing and migrated several
>     5208R production boxes to 5209R recently as well as shifted some
> Vsites
>     around between servers. Any bugs I found myself during that are
> already
>     fixed, but depending on your setups you might find the odd problem or
>     glitch here or there. If you do, please let me know.
> How cool is that!
> I will start 'playing' with some dummy sites ... but it sounds absolutely
> brilliant.
> Thank you.
> Colin
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