[BlueOnyx:22914] APF mystery - blocking BlueOnyx

Colin Jack colin at mainline.co.uk
Wed May 22 12:27:12 -05 2019

I have a problem with one 5209R VPS that I cannot fathom.
I would be interested in some feedback.

I am running DFix2 / APF and APF appears to be blocking access to Blueonyx.it and also the Letsencrypt servers.
The GUI cannot get BX News or the shop.
LE renewals fail.

I haven’t touched any of the rules.

If I flush iptables it all starts working for a few hours.
If I disable AFP it all works.

I have looked in iptables for the BX IP but nothing.
Same with APF blacklist. Not listed.

I run DFix2 / APF on all my servers and don’t have a problem - except on this one.

Any thoughts (Michael/Greg)?

I have tried removing APF and re-installing without any luck.



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