[BlueOnyx:23671] Re: Blueonyx 5210R - problems with jail

Dirk Estenfeld dirk.estenfeld at blackpoint.de
Wed Feb 19 05:15:10 -05 2020

Hello Michael,

I have added site<nr> and site-adm manually to etc/group in site directory.
Now I get the next error message while trying to su - <user>

Feb 19 11:11:39 raru jk_chrootsh[6027]: now entering jail /home/.sites/site1
for user bf_detest (1005) with arguments
Feb 19 11:11:39 raru jk_chrootsh[6027]: abort, failed to find user 1005 in

So not only in /etc/group the information is missing, also in

cat /home/.sites/site1/etc/passwd

Please investigate and fix this. The customer needs the functionality.
Maybe you can give me a hint what to enter in /home/.sites/site1/etc/passwd
to get this working.

Best regards,

blackpoint GmbH – Friedberger Straße 106b – 61118 Bad Vilbel 

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Blueonyx <blueonyx-bounces at mail.blueonyx.it> Im Auftrag von Michael
Gesendet: Dienstag, 18. Februar 2020 23:43
An: blueonyx at mail.blueonyx.it
Betreff: [BlueOnyx:23669] Re: Blueonyx 5210R - problems with jail

Hi Dirk,

> here is the complete output from /var/log/messages while trying to 
> login with ssh
> Feb 18 16:58:47 raru jk_chrootsh[4392]: abort, failed to get group 
> information in the jail for group ID 1003: Success, check 
> /home/.sites/site1/etc/group

I just checked the etc/group file in a working Jail on one of my 5210R's and
it looks like this:

[root at 5210r etc]# cat group

On my 5210R that jail is for group "site2" and the only jail-user is the
siteAdmin, named "two_admin".

The real /etc/group has this:

[root at 5210r etc]# cat /etc/group|grep two_admin|grep -v site-adm

So yes: The jail's group file must have an entry for the user in question.
I'm checking now why that isn't being created reliably, because I also have
at least one jail where the jails group file is missing required entries.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list
Blueonyx at mail.blueonyx.it
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