[BlueOnyx:23555] snmp 5210 issues?

Don Teague blueonyx at donteague.com
Wed Jan 1 00:31:11 -05 2020

Any reported issues with snmp on a 5210?

I'm trying to make a SNMP connection, but it's not happening.

I can run a tcpdump on port 161 and see the requests come in, but the 
other end is either not getting a response, or something else has gone 

23:28:40.059594 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 63, id 10209, offset 0, flags [DF], 
proto UDP (17), length 91)
     208.x.x.x.34776 > xxxx.donteague.com.snmp: [udp sum ok]  { SNMPv2c 
C="[redacted]" { GetRequest(42) R=702174346  system.sysObjectID.0 
system.sysUpTime.0 } }

That's what I see on the dump. I would imagine that means the other side 
can send requests to the 5210, but the 5210 doesn't seem to let the 
other machine know it's there.

Am I missing something simple, again? (Yes, snmp is enabled.)

Don Teague
Email: don at replytodon.com <mailto:don at replytodon.com>
<http://facebook.com/don.teague> <http://www.instagram.com/don_teague/> 
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