[BlueOnyx:24094] Re: Whitelist / Blacklist terminology

Chris Gebhardt - VIRTBIZ Internet cobaltfacts at virtbiz.com
Sat Jul 11 16:17:46 -05 2020

On 7/11/2020 2:12 PM, Michael Aronoff wrote:
> I hope this does not come across as too PC for some people but I would 
> like to humbly request that as new updates are made this project 
> consider replacing the Whitelist/Blacklist terminology in favor of 
> denylist/allowlist or blocklist/passlist.
> The Linux team have just made the same change and I think it is a good 
> idea to follow suit. I have also just made a donation at 
> http://www.blueonyx.it/ to help cover the time such a change would take.
> https://www.zdnet.com/article/linux-team-approves-new-terminology-bans-terms-like-blacklist-and-slave/ 

I'm in favor.

I think it's a valid nod towards the sort of cultural awareness that 
we're seeing.   There's nothing wrong with that.

In addition, it's a better reflection of "plain language" for users.   
Speaking for my support team, I know we've done a fair share of 
explaining what's a blacklist and a whitelist and how it works with 
email.   Perhaps our end-users aren't the most technically savvy, but 
when we tell them to think in terms of "always allow from" and "always 
reject from" that seems to click better with them.

Chris Gebhardt
VIRTBIZ Internet Services
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